Thursday, May 31, 2012


Cardio Recovery. Let’s think about that word for a moment. Swirl it around in your mind. We all know that Cardio has something to do with your heart, and well recovery means… to rescue. So heart rescue so to say and that usually means taking things nice and slow. Cardio Recovery in the INSANITY program means holding stretches until your muscles are shaking and screaming, doing thigh squats without a break (BURN) and then going into high plank, low plank drills to tighten your core and strengthen your arms.

Do I feel recovered? I will let you know when the jelly feeling has left my thighs! Don`t get me wrong, I wouldn’t start my morning any other way!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


WHY am I doing this again? WHY do I wake up at 6:30 am and put my body through hell? I am too tired this morning, I can’t do it……………
After a cup of coffee everything seems a little different and once again I hear Shaun T’s voice telling me that I can do it. So I press play.

Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs added on afterwards… This workout, although I am getting stronger and faster, still manages to kick my ass! Shaun T is relentless in this routine! He pushes your limits, and just when you think it can’t get any harder he then drops it down into suicide drills. Those drills belong in the army…seriously. 

I know I am only on day 17 but I was hoping for better results by now… but I suppose it all takes time. I am noticing small changes in the way I look; my core is tighter and becoming more defined. My thighs are becoming firmer (but still got a long way to go). I cannot wait for my love handles to melt off my body! Cardio Recovery tomorrow… but we all know it’s not really a recovery hahah not with Shaun T!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I woke up this morning feeling a little drained and my thighs were stiff, once again wondering HOW I was going to make it through Day 16 – Cardio Circuit. There is something about doing exercise in a circuit that makes it even more exhausting.  After the warm up my legs felt good again, I just had to get my mind into it too.

Shaun T once again proved that my fitness level has a long way to go. The suicide drills in this work out always kick my ass after the second set and I was forced to take a quick breather. Next time I want to make it through the final drill with no break!

Monday, May 28, 2012


This morning was the FIT TEST. I have a giant big smile on my face! In just 2 weeks I have basically doubled my performance!! When I first started I could barely do 5 push up jacks and this time I squashed 14 in 60seconds. 
My best time was 100 switch kicks in 60 seconds… I felt a bit like the Karate Kid at the end. All in all I am so impressed and proud of myself and I cannot wait to compare these results to the finally FIT TEST on day 60!

I think I am addicted to the sweat and pumping heart because my man and I added on Cardio Abs after the fit test just for a little extra burn!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Today’s workout was BRUTAL! Pure cardio and cardio abs! Basically 56minutes of insane, non-stop, fat burning, muscles crunching workout! I am surprised that I even made it! I was nervous beginning the workout this morning as it was and 40 minutes in I looked forward to the cool down. 
The cardio abs is only 16 minutes but after completing Pure cardio I pretty much was dead, I am proud to say that I managed to push through right to the end. I was straining so much that my muscles were SHAKING!

Cardio abs is the most core intensive workout I have ever done and I have to say I most likely won’t be able to laugh tomorrow because my stomach muscles will be so sore! I am so glad that I have my man as my gym buddy! It becomes a secret battle of who can dig deeper and last longer!

Tomorrow is our day off and I look forward to a rest… see you all on Monday!

Friday, May 25, 2012


This morning was really difficult to get into the work out vibe, but after a strong cup of coffee I forced myself to get off my lazy ass! Cardio power and resistance this morning has left me feeling powered up and in a better mood than when I woke up! In this workout Shaun T once again makes your fat cells scream! I was so buggered after the workout that instead of putting shampoo in my hair I used my face wash!

As always Shaun T makes you work hard right through to the last minute. The 3 x 8 sets of jumping squats and push-ups nearly killed me but I managed to make it through without stopping! I am so proud of myself! I am nervous about tomorrow...Pure Cardio and cardio abs...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Cardio Recovery has left my legs feeling like jelly! I even battled to brush my teeth this morning because of all the plank push-ups. This recovery workout is designed to get you sweating but keep your heart rate down. 

Shaun T has sneaky ways to get every part of your body to BURN in this workout. During the squats – which felt like 1000 of them – my legs literally felt like someone had set fire to them! What is so effective about this recovery workout is that he slows everything down. It’s easy to do sets of exercises fast, but the minute you slow it all down you suddenly find yourself shaking and struggling – IT WAS AWESOME!

I am now happy to sit down for a while…


Cardio Circut, now I am not sure if it’s because I am on day 10 but is this getting harder? I am now able to complete the ‘warm up’ without stopping, which shows how much fitter I am getting! Shaun T’s warm up’s are not for sissy’s! So today I was pretty cocky again and by the 2nd circuit I had sweat pouring off me once again, my thighs were burning and I wasn’t sure I was going to make it.

There is something about knowing that the workout is a circuit that makes me more tired. You get through the first one and my brain instantly sighs knowing that I have 3 rounds more and that it gets more intense with every completed round.

My push-ups are getting deeper and stronger every day, which is fantastic! My core is feeling stronger and I am getting that bikini ready for summer!

Monday, May 21, 2012


PURE  Cardio KICKED MY ASS today! I got through the intense warm up with no problem and began thinking that maybe this was my break through moment… Think again! Shaun T stepped it up and I was left sweating and panting like a pig! I pushed as hard as I could today and took breaks where I needed.
Even though I am only on day 9, I am feeling amazing! My only complaint is that my face is breaking out a bit and I have had to go and buy some good face wash, like a teenager! The funny thing is, is that I can’t imagine not starting my mornings without Shaun T and the Insanity work out. I cannot WAIT to see some ab definition and loose the love handles!

If you want to change the way you look whether you are 33 or 53 try INSANITY!

Follow the link :

Sunday, May 20, 2012

WEEK 2 – Day 8

Cardio power and resistance, this was the work out that we di don Day 2 and there was a vast improvement. I didn’t have to stop during the warm up at all and I pushed extra hard today and even managed to do more than 5 push-ups!
I can feel a boost in my energy levels. 

Yesterday was my day off and I even found myself looking forward to the morning so I could get my heart racing. I think I am getting addicted!

What I did find difficult today were the sprints and hurdle jumps, especially on the third round. My thighs were BURNING! I had to DIG DEEP and focus on my fat crying!
I am learning to control my ‘Give up’ thoughts and push through! 

If you want to transform your body and your life with Insanity follow the link :

Friday, May 18, 2012


Plyometric Cardio Circuit, this is the same workout as day 2, but SOMEHOW I felt like it was longer! I can see a big difference between my stamina on day 2 to today! I could push harder! The jumping squats nearly killed me and the sets of pushups.

Tomorrow is our first break day! I MADE it through the first week! I am so proud of myself! I look forward to next week’s exercises! Let’s see what Shaun T has in store for us then!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


If there was a difficulty level for a workout, I would give this one 10/10! Shaun T combines a whole variety of work outs to get your heart rate up, blood pumping and fat wobbling. After just a few minutes my throat was burning and I was once again forced to dig deeper and push myself to see it to the end.This work out is extreme! I had to take a couple water breaks so that I could keep my form and my keep my core tightened. What did give me some deep satisfaction was the fact that at least 3 people doing the workout on TV dropped out. So it wasn’t just me having a hard time.I loved the vibe of this workout, while I was grunting and shouting my way through the push-ups (deadly) so was everyone else, including Shaun. He really motivates you in this video which is great, it keeps you going.I feel fantastic!

                                Please feel free to comment!


Cardio Recovery, I was looking forward to this routine. The word recovery had a nice ring to it...I am not sure why I thought Shaun T would let me off the hook just because the word recovery was used. This workout consisted of full body stretching and holding positions that really make your muscles twitch! I really battled with the plank position and push-ups again, but even after 4 days I feel like I am getting better!
I didn’t have to take breaks as often and really enjoyed feeling my body burn. I love imaging the fat melting from my body! I am still stiff but I think this is a good sign… So today was a very successful 40minutes, and I cannot wait for tomorrow!

 INSANITY 60 day challenge!

Hi everyone!

For a long time I have been unhappy with my body, especially around the love handle, butt and thigh area. I love doing sports and being outdoors but no matter how much time I put into my exercise these areas remain flabby! I found INSANITY by accident and watched the videos, but it was the body transformations that astounded me! Here were ordinary people – like me – looking fantastic after just 60 days! I couldn't wait to get started and even convinced my man to push through it with me.

I have decided to blog about my transformation journey in hopes of finding other ladies who are going through or have gone through the INSANITY challenge before. I also find that you can't really go back on your word once it'son the internet!

As embarrassed as I am to post this before picture I am going to do it anyway!


Fit Test, to which I was not pleased with my results at all! AM I SO UNFIT? I was sweating and panting after just 3 minutes! I made sure that I rested when I needed to and drank lots of water. In the morning I was so stiff but I pushed myself into day 2. Plyometric Cardio Circuit


Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Yeah, I didn’t know what that meant either, but it left me huffing and puffing in a pool of my own sweat. It was a very intense circuit of cardio, so your heart rate shoots through the roof. I managed to push through it and wobble into the shower afterwards.


Cardio power and resistance I found to be really difficult. There are a lot of push-ups which I battled with but I wasn’t going to hate myself for not being able to keep up with these super athletes! I know that my resistance will build and eventually my upper body strength will be 

Please feel free to comment!